Exclusive Sigma Sigma Sigma Fabric


Founded on April 20, 1898, Sigma Sigma Sigma (also called Tri Sigma) became a national American women's sorority. Tri Sigma is also part of the Farmville Four, which is a group of four sororities all founded at the State Female Normal School.

Tri Sigma was founded at the State Female Normal School by eight students. It started off at the S.S.S. Club in 1897, where two of the eight women would lead the meetings for the secret society. A year later the women announced the founding society known as Sigma Sigma Sigma.

Tri Sigma has the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation which helps raise and donate funds for charitable and educational purposes. In recent years, Tri Sigma joined with March of Dimes as their national philanthropic partner.

Make sure to plan ahead and get your JennaBenna Sigma Sigma Sigma Founder’s Day sorority shirt before April 20 so that you can join in the celebration of the sorority's spring founding.

Flower: The official flower of Sigma Sigma Sigma is a purple violet.

Colors: The official colors of Sigma Sigma Sigma are royal purple and white.

Jewel: The official jewel of Sigma Sigma Sigma is the pearl.

Symbol: The official symbol of Sigma Sigma Sigma is a sailboat.

Motto: The official motto of Sigma Sigma Sigma is “Ever forward".

Membership: Sigma Sigma Sigma has an estimated 125,000 members and 112 chapters across the United States.